
Nov 24, 2008

Bank President and Vice President Receive Bronze Eagle

After Bank of Luxemburg President John Slatky and Vice President Dave Luebbers provided a location for five military monuments, the veterans showed their appreciation by recognizing the Bank of Luxemburg at a ceremony on Veteran’s Day of this year. The veterans also presented these two men with a bronze eagle in appreciation of their kindness.

Once the old Bank of Luxemburg had been demolished and rebuilt down the street, Slatky and Luebbers agreed that the now vacant spot would be the perfect location for the veterans’ monuments saying, “The veterans deserve a prominent place in the Luxemburg community for this special memorial, and the Bank of Luxemburg is proud to be that location.”

Also included, courtesy of the Bank of Luxemburg, are a landscaped sitting area and flagpole. Slatky and Luebbers consider the bronze eagle a perfect example of how a small community can make a big difference in the lives of veterans.

1 comment:

  1. Bank President and Vice President are honored with the prestigious Bronze Eagle award. Just as Lattafa perfumes in Pakistan stand out for their quality, this recognition highlights their exceptional leadership and contributions.
